Ekbab and Iktab – Road of Expatriation 2 Overview

.Where to discover Ekbab &amp IktabYou’ll come across Ekbab &amp Iktab in The Bone Pits during the course of A Burglary of Cream color. Iktab resides in the center of stimulating Ekbab, and also you appear in the nick of time to find the time related to success..Just how to beat Ekbab &amp IktabEkbab &amp Iktab.VulnerabilitiesResistances-Lightning Protection (Iktab).Ekbab &amp Iktab are actually a pair of supervisors you’ll require to tackle all at once in a small field. Ekbab is the mastodon, and also he demands around the small space frequently.

Iktab is actually the spellcaster, and also he fills up the pit with area-of-effect times. His incantations handle mainly super damages, so a super beauty is actually an excellent concept listed below..Your 1st objective ought to be to get Iktab. If you pull down Ekbab first, Iktab takes on a new collection of much more damaging incantations.

Removing Ekbab initially indicates you only must deal with the weak spells Iktab directs coming from beyond the tomb..Kite the mastodon around the space and concentrate your assaults on Iktab. The major spell you require to steer clear of is actually the trine comets that crash down from above. Watch out for the orange circles on the ground as well as remain properly out of all of them when they appear..When Iktab is actually dead, alter your concentration to Ekbab, the mastodon.

He’ll fill around the tiny area as well as sometimes slam down conical tremor assaults. Each are actually preventable with a timely dodge roll. As you do this, lightning spheres gradually hover around the combat zone, shooting aimlessly in all instructions.

Stay on the contrary edge of the field to give yourself more opportunity to avoid their projectiles..